What Causes Acne and affects your smooth skin?
Four out of five teens will suffer from acne. That’s a huge amount! Sure, it makes sense, because at that age hormones are raging. But what about the type of acne that sticks around into adulthood or just pops up one day all of a sudden? Well, there could be a million different reasons, all of which may or may not hold the key into solving the issue altogether. But how do you know what’s causing your acne issues?
Hormones: Like we said, the cause of that pesky teen acne is most likely hormones. When teens undergo puberty, they produce higher levels of testosterone, which result in higher oil production, which leads to acne. Likewise, if you experience acne symptoms post-puberty, the reasons could be a hormonal shift due to thyroid issues, stress, pregnancy, medication/birth control, or other health issues. It’s best to consult your doctor or dermatologist to get a more concrete answer. But consider where your acne is coming from: if it’s concentrated on your chin and jawline, it’s likely due to hormones.
Hereditary: Unfortunately, bad skin can be passed down from generation to generation. If your parents had acne issues, that will explain why you too also suffer from a troubled skin. This does make acne harder to treat, as genetics isn’t as concrete as a reason assay bacteria or hormones. However, any of the other treatments used to treat acne could help you remedy the situation; it’s really just a matter of seeing a dermatologist and allowing them to determine what would work best for you.
Diet: Yes, we’re going to say it: you are what you eat. As cliché as it is, it’s the cold hard truth. If you eat bad foods, your skin will reflect what you’re putting into your body. That could explain your skin issues–luckily for you, this kind of acne is one of the easiest to correct: simply stop eating crap foods and your skin will improve. If you break out on your forehead, which is typically a sign that your skin is reacting to what you’re eating. Processed foods, or those high in hydrogenated oil, fats, and lacking in important nutrients all contribute to bad skin. You could also be dehydrated–so put down that can of diet Coke and start drinking water. Some super foods that will reverse your skin issues are Avocados, salmon, spinach, nuts, fennel, brown rice, artichokes, and broccoli. Start eating clean and you’ll notice your skin won’t be the only thing to improve; you’ll just feel better overall.
Stress: higher blood pressure, usually attributed to stress, can cause breakouts near the nose area. Stress not only makes us feel like crap but it can result in our body turning on us, too. Your hormones are thrown all out of whack by factors like a lack of sleep and dehydration (put down the coffee!). Stress can also make you more likely to pick at the blemishes that are already there, which is the ultimate no-no. Picking makes the area red, increases bacteria (making further breakouts more likely) and leaves nasty scars. Get a stress ball to avoid such a fate.
Bacteria: Obviously, if your skin is dirty, pimples will follow suit. A buildup of oil and bacteria is what clogs pores and causes blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. If none of the other issues apply to you, then what could possibly be causing your skin woes? Not sticking to a consistent and appropriate skin care regimen may be your downfall. If you only wash your face with water, you should probably be using a cleanser that is suited towards your skin type. Make sure you choose the right skin care for yours, as the wrong products could just exacerbate breakouts. Consider if you have dry, combination, or oily skin before you purchase products. Speaking of products, what kind of makeup are you wearing? Is it greasy and have irritating ingredients like parabens and other comedogenic properties? Do you ever wash your makeup brushes? (We didn’t think so.) If you are guilty of one or more of these things, you have your answer. Choosing the right skincare and makeup, as well as washing your makeup brushes at least once a week, is likely the solution you’ve been searching for.
We hope this information will bring you closer to discovering the remedy for your troubled skin. Different things work for different people. so be aware what works for someone else may not work for you. Be sure to see a dermatologist to gain further insight into what is causing your acne. If you have scarring and redness leftover once the acne’s gone, come see Satori for a skin resurfacing treatment. This treatment will significantly reduce the amount of scarring, redness, and pockmarks caused by acne are just one session (although 3-4 are required for lasting results). You’ve suffered from acne for long enough; you shouldn’t have to be a slave to the aftermath. Come to Satori to obtain the truest, most confident version of you.