Skin Care Mistake
Skin Care Mistake
Finding and choosing a reputable cosmetic dermatologist can be a daunting task and the impact of choosing an inexperienced one can be damaging to the quality of your physical appearance and overall health. To help you with making the best decision, here are Skin Care Mistake to avoid.
SKIN CARE MISTAKE #1: Not Recognizing Personal Habits and Environmental Factors That Negatively Affect the Health of Your Skin
To optimize the health of your skin, hair and nails, it helps to recognize the personal habits and environmental factors that affect them. There include:
- Climate
- Stress
- Product usage
- Smoking
- Drinking
- Use of sunscreen
- Medications
Once you recognize triggers that may negatively impact your skin’s health, you have a better chance of treating it successfully.
SKIN CARE MISTAKE #2: Choosing a Cosmetic Dermatologist Based On Price, Location or Availability
Remember . . . you get what you pay for.
Having low prices, a location that’s close to home or immediate availability IS NOT the first thing you should look for in a cosmetic dermatologist.
Your first step should always be verifying that the dermatologist and staff qualified, experienced, properly trained and capable of providing the care you need.
Here are some good questions to ask:
- Is the physician a licensed and board certified dermatologist in your state?
- How much experience do they have with your skin condition and can you see referrals and testimonials from current patients?
- Can you expect prompt attention from a front office receptionist that treats you with respect and keeps a tight running ship?
- Do they guarantee quality care and treatment and promote optimum health as opposed to keeping the majority of their focus on product promotions?
- Does the entire team, including the dermatologist, demonstrate good communication skills?
When choosing a cosmetic dermatologist ask questions and do your homework, then you will find a match that’s right for you and your needs.
SKIN CARE MISTAKE #3: Not Taking the Time to Verify Qualities That Are Important In a Great Cosmetic Dermatologist
Many patients will do some research online or get referrals from friends to verify a dermatologist’s qualifications and credentials . . . but what about their qualities and ethics?
When choosing a dermatologist it’s important to meet with them and verity these qualities and practices that great dermatologists demonstrate. These include:
- Strong communication skills
- Reasonable accessibility
- Willingness to spend quality time to diagnose and treat your condition
- A demonstration that you’re comfortable with
- Thoughtful and forthcoming answers to your questions
- A willingness to get back to you with answers to questions
While credentials are critical to choosing a dermatologist, you don’t want to ignore qualities and ethics that may or may not resonate with you, it’s important that you relationship with your dermatologist is honest and based on communication.
SKIN CARE MISTAKE #4: Choosing a Dermatologist Based on a High Pressure Consultation
Often times the overwhelming desire to have healthy, beautiful skin can play a big part in making bad decisions; so remember this should be a business deal not an emotional encounter.
Shady dermatologists seek out and take advantages of patients who are desperate to “cure” their condition because they make easy marks who will pay for any and all treatments or products an unscrupulous dermatologist can throw at them.
You can avoid falling victim to high-pressure, fear inducing tactics by taking the following precautions:
- Ask questions and demand clear communication from the beginning. If a dermatologist will not take the time to discuss your expectations and properly exam and diagnose your condition before pressuring you into expensive product sales, walk away and find a physician that will.
- Request a written estimate that include an itemized list of examinations, procedures and fees before agreeing to any treatment. Check for hidden fees and extras that can potentially rack up your final bill.
- Be sure that you are getting everything you need for the promised fee.
- Don’t let your desire to have healthy, beautiful skin overshadow the importance of your patient rights by accepting less than you need.
- Call around and meet with several dermatologists until you find one that you trust and who can truly meet your needs and budget.
SKIN CARE MISTAKE #5: Setting for a Dermatology Team Who Doesn’t Bestow the Countries That You Deserve
Doesn’t it just make sense that as a valued patient every dermatology team should give you the courtesy and respect you deserve?
Common courtesies are often overlooked through the initial selection process, but they’re at the top of the list of patient complaints. Here are some dos and don’ts for choosing a dermatologist office that promotes a positive experience:
- DON’T choose an office that:
- Lacks open and honest communication
- Radiates chaos and confusion
- Talks down to you
Advertise a low price and then pressure you into expensive add-ons or unnecessary products sales.
DO choose a dermatology team that:
- Keeps you fully informed and offers experienced advice that always has your best interest in mind
- Respect your time
- Treats you with complete dignity and respect
Takes you financial limitations into consideration and works with you to make treatment affordable.
SKIN CARE MISTAKE #6: Choosing a Dermatologist Without Getting The Real Scoop From Other Patients
Too many people fall victim to low-ball prices and quick talking dermatology teams who exaggerate their experience and over promise results.
Never choose a dermatologist on their word alone. Make sure you verify their credentials and then ask for references. If no reference is make available to you, then go online and search for comments and feedback from current and past patients and the applicable certification boards.
This is critical to relieving worries about falling victim to inexperienced or unethical dermatologists and to keeping you informed. Therefore you can make a smart decision and receive quality care from a doctor you trust.
This little bit of extra time and effort can save you from a lot of hassle and heartache.