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Skin Care

How To Get Rid Of Acne?Jan 10, 2016 Acne is one of the major source of headache for a lot of people, especially...
no acne
MicrodermabrasionJan 08, 2016 Microdermabrasion. Since Satori Laser does Microdermabrasion, here is an informative post that may answer any question that you have about it! What is Microdermabrasion? Microdermabrasion is a general term for...
How To Get Rid Of Large PoresDec 15, 2015 For many of us, those little holes on our faces known as pores are little more than an unsightly nuisance. However, if you happen to... Continue Reading →
10 Shocking Causes of Skin PigmentationDec 11, 2015 Dark spots or pigmentation on the skin is not uncommon for both men and women. Though there are several home remedies and treatments available these days to get rid of...
Getting rid of your sunspotsDec 03, 2015 What are sunspots? Satori Laser tells our clients to use protection against the sun. Sunspots occur when you have too much exposure to the sun! The sunspots can be darker or...
Smoking: Bad for Your Health, Causes Wrinkles, and Worsens Acne.Nov 29, 2015 Smoking not only causes wrinkles – it can worsen the effects of acne, scientists have found. After spending so much money on skincare, it’d be a waste if you smoked...
Why Your Skin Wrinkles More in Certain AreasNov 27, 2015 Satori Laser treats wrinkles among other services. Between your sessions with us, this is something that you can keep in mind to help keep your skin wrinkle-free. So why do some...
What your looks say about your health!Nov 23, 2015 Got lackluster locks? Or a scaly patch on an elbow? Your body may be trying to tell you something. “There are huge links between how we appear on the outside...