After Laser Hair Removal: All About Aloe
Here at Satori Laser, we are dedicated to providing our clients with smooth, glowing, and healthy skin, so it’s no surprise that one of the products we use to attain that is aloe. Aloe is nature’s super plant–it’s been used for thousands of years by Ancient Egyptians and Greeks as a cure-all for just about everything under the sun, and not much has changed since then. Aloe is a prickly green plant that is filled with a gel-like substance that contains mostly water and a myriad of vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids, and minerals. The Egyptians called it the “plant of immortality,” which is unsurprising since it contains everything from calcium, vitamins A, C, and E, iron, and potassium, among others.
While it’s capable of alleviating a ton of issues, Aloe is perhaps best known and most utilized for its benefits for the skin. Aloe is great for treating skin conditions ranging from rosacea to psoriasis and is even said to be a great anti-aging remedy. It can also remove eye makeup, which is essential to preventing premature crow’s feet and other skin issues. Aloe is one of the most recurring ingredients in numerous skincare products because of its multitasking power.
Aloe can also take the itch out of bug bites and shrink warts, however, most of us probably know aloe best for its unbelievable knack for treating burns and cuts. Just rubbing a dab of aloe gel over a boo-boo takes the pain away instantly, which has been helpful through the recklessness of childhood and the dangers of cooking in adulthood. It’s also great for soothing the albeit minimal pain associated with laser hair removal, which we admit does sting a little. To diminish redness and the slight sting, at Satori we use some aloe cream on the treated area directly after a treatment. It’s another great way of attaining that amazing Satori smooth skin.
Aloe is also used to erase stretch marks, reduce acne, and sunburn. You can also use it as an ingredient in all kinds of face masks to moisturize and balance troubled skin. Drinking aloe water is also a great way to eradicate constipation, acid reflux, and speed up the metabolism. Aloe is no doubt nature’s multi-tasker.