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Bikini Laser Hair Removal

bikini laser hair removal

Bikini Laser Hair Removal depends on factors such as hair color, skin color, hair strand, thickness, and density. These factors will be evaluated by a physician in our office to help choose the most appropriate laser system for each patient.

Laser Reduces or Eliminates Razor Bumps and Redness

Although hair removal of the pubic area is widely sought after, and effective, there are more than just aesthetic concerns when treating this area. The bikini area is also a region of common occurring folliculitis, inflammation, and infection of the hair follicles. Not only does this result in itchy and painful lesions, but fairly often secondary hyperpigmentation and darkening of the skin occur from the inflammation. Fortunately, the laser has been very helpful in reducing, or eliminating, hair growth and diminishing, or even stopping, recurrent folliculitis.

Hyperpigmentation, and persistent skin redness

Not only does laser hair removal stop the folliculitis, and subsequent skin darkening, but some of these laser systems are beneficial in reducing hyperpigmentation, and persistent skin redness, which occurred from earlier episodes of folliculitis. This exciting secondary benefit to laser hair removal is very appreciated by the patient. Having a bikini area that is free of hair, irritation, and discoloration is very desirable.


Laser Hair Removal is Highly Effective

bikini babe

Although other forms of hair removal–such as electrolysis, depilatory creams or waxing–can be used, each has its own limitations as to effectiveness and ease of use. In three to six treatments, bikini laser hair removal may accomplish a permanent reduction in the majority of pubic hair. The procedure is very rapid and well tolerated. Even the hair that remains is many times reduced in diameter, making them significantly less of a cosmetic issue while also reducing the irritation of the hair follicle. Overall, this procedure is commonly performed with high patient satisfaction.