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How to Properly Protect Yourself From the Sun

girl in flower field

In order to have the best results for your laser session with Satori Laser, it’s crucial to protect yourself from the laser’s greatest enemy – the sun! The reason the sun is harmful is that UVA rays are out in full intensity; they’re out all day, all year, and at the same intensity as mid-day in the summer!  This means that from sunup to sundown, January or July you’re getting the same hit of UVA. Don’t slack off on your sun protection just because the sunburn ray is less intense and the sun feels less damaging.

  1. Wear a hat
    For some people the face is the most important part of the body, so why not protect it further using a hat?
  2. Use sunscreen
    Not only do you use sunscreen, you have to make sure that it protects you from UVA, not just UVB! This means you should look for a product that has 5% or more micronized zinc oxide.
  3. Change your sunscreen annually
    Even though the date umbrella girlprinted on the bottle appears to be quite some time away, that doesn’t indicate that it’s truly safe to use. Often times, with hot conditions the sunscreen can change and stop working the way that it should. This, in turn, can cause sunburns – what no one enjoys having.
  4. Cover as much of your skin with clothing as possible
    You might be surprised to learn that our regular t-shirts only provide 5-10% protection against UV rays!
  5. Use an umbrella
    This might look a bit silly when it’s not raining but for your own protection it’s definitely worth it
  6. Stay in the shade/indoors.
    This is self-explanatory although it’s possibly one of the hardest tips to follow in the summer
  7. Use facial products that are high in antioxidant concentration
    This will help reduce the UV damage.

If you found this post too late and already have wrinkles or fine lines because of the sun, wait a few weeks and come to Satori Laser and we’ll help treat it for you! 
