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The 24 hrs after Laser Hair Removal

At Satori Laser we care deeply about our client's skin, we follow strict protocols to ensure every treatment is safe and effective. A big part however relies on what you do before and after your visit, we actually only have control over the actual treatment.
    As part of our efforts to remind you of the pre care and post care we send an email with instructions a few days prior to your visit. If you do not confirm you received this email we also send a text message and lastly a phone call to go over some safety questions with you.
    Right after receiving treatment, the technician will guide  your through post care, please follow the instructions carefully, the 24 hrs right after Laser Hair Removal are critical.

Here is a quick guide:


1. Be careful with the temperature of water that touches the area treated, you can have a shower with warm water but not hot water

2. Specially during the winter months, be mindful of space heaters too closed to your body and the areas that were treated.

3. Avoid working out, dancing or any activity that makes you sweat or heat up. You do not want to raise your body temperature unnecessarily.

4. No products; this includes moisturizers, make up, topical medications, deodorants or any oils. The only product you can apply is Hydrocortisone 1%, the cream version on the face and the ointment for the rest of the body. 

5. No massaging or exfoliating the area, friction should be avoided.

6. No sun exposure the following two weeks. 

7. Wait at least a week for any other beauty treatments like facials, massages, deep exfoliants, peels, etc.

All of these points exist for your skin's protection. Not following one or many of them will put you at risk of long lasting irritation, rushes, pigmentation or burns. 

If you have questions about a specific product or treatment, ask your technician during your visit or give us a call anytime. Our Medical Director will guide us through more specific situations. 

The 24 hours following your Laser Hair Removal treatment are a great opportunity to give your skin a break, to take it easy...