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IPL or Gentle MaxPro Series Laser?

      Very often when talking to a new client they tell us about their past hair removal treatments with other companies and how they have not gotten the results they were expecting or promised. When we ask more questions about those past treatments they always describe an IPL machine. Many seem confused about the differences between that type of technology and ours. 

      Both IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) and laser hair removal with a device such as the Gentle Max Pro Candela's Laser are methods used for long-term hair reduction. However, there are some differences between the two technologies.

       IPL uses a broad spectrum of light wavelengths, which can be effective in treating a variety of skin and hair types. The light is delivered in pulses, which heats up the hair follicles, damaging them and reducing their ability to regrow hair. IPL is generally less precise than laser hair removal, meaning that it may not be as effective at targeting individual hair follicles.

         On the other hand, laser hair removal with a device such as the Gentle Max Pro Candela's Laser uses a specific wavelength of light that is targeted directly at the hair follicle. This makes it more precise than IPL, and more effective at removing hair on certain areas of the body. It also tends to be less painful than IPL, as the laser is calibrated to target hair follicles without affecting the surrounding skin.

        Ultimately, the choice between IPL and laser hair removal may depend on your individual needs and preferences, including your skin and hair type, the area of the body you want to treat, and your tolerance for discomfort. It's best to consult with a qualified provider to determine which treatment is right for you.

Which machine is stronger? IPL or Gentle Max Pro Candela's Laser and why?
       The Gentle Max Pro Candela's Laser typically uses stronger energy than IPL machines. This is because IPL machines produce a broad spectrum of light that is less focused and less powerful than the specific wavelength of light produced by lasers. Lasers are able to produce a highly focused beam of light that can be precisely targeted to the hair follicle, which means that they can deliver a higher amount of energy to the follicle without affecting the surrounding skin.

      In addition, the Gentle Max Pro Candela's Laser is designed to deliver energy in short pulses, which allows for greater control over the amount of energy delivered to the skin.

      Laser hair removal with a device such as the Gentle Max Pro Candela's Laser is more powerful and precise, making it a better option for most individuals, especially those with darker skin tones or coarser hair. 

      The technology we use in the hands of our experienced technicians is safer and more effective than any other in the industry.